sabato 24 marzo 2018

Schindler's list - John Williams - NL orchestra

 La straordinaria forza e bellezza dell'arte e della musica.
Di qualsiasi arte e di qualsiasi musica e di qualsiasi artista e musicista che non possa fare a meno di esprimersi attraverso di essa.

Davida Scheffers attraversa la vita e la storia con un nome e un cognome inequivocabili e suona il corno inglese in questa intensa versione della colonna sonora di Schindler's list, film straordinario e capolavoro di Steven Spielberg.

Davida Scheffers, però, "had been diagnosed with a form of facial rheumatism that threatened to end her performance career. Determined to play on, she successfully auditioned for The Orchestra of the Netherlands’ competition program in which aspiring musicians audition for a chance to play with the ensemble. Violinist and judge Simone Lamsma was so moved by Scheffers’ audition that she asked her to perform the English horn part of the Schindler’s List theme (Lamsma herself played violin). It was a triumphant moment for Scheffer and, if some internet commenters are to be believed, for the beaming blonde woman in the audience, who is Scheffer’s daughter, clearly proud of her mother’s accomplishments" (

Gli esseri umani, quando sono profondamente e autenticamente tali, sono meravigliosi.
